Frequently Asked Questions
What is a drop cookie?
Drop cookies are cookies made by dropping or scooping cookie dough onto a prepared cookie sheet. Chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies are classic examples of drop cookies.
Do you deliver?
Delivery is limited to Saturday or Sunday morning based on availability. Mileage is charged at $0.60 per mile roundtrip plus toll for each bridge crossed. Delivery fees are added to your invoice for payment.
How much are custom decorated sugar cookies?
Pricing for custom decorated sugar cookies starts at $40.00 per dozen. Pricing increases based on design details, cookies size, the number of requested cookie cutter shapes and the number of icing colors used to create you design.
Simple Design - 3 different cookie cutter designs , no more than 4 icing colors, minimal writing and cookie sizes between 2.5 to 3.5 inches. Pricing starts at $40.00 per dozen
Detailed Design - more than 3 different cookie cutter designs, 5 or more icing colors, writing on more that 1/3 of the cookies ordered, cookies sizes greater than 3.5 inches, design details require Pricing starts at $50.00 per dozen.
Complex Design -